Cannabis Cultivation Methods

Indoors, outdoors and in greenhouses. We’re here to shed some light (pun intended) on different growing methods.

For centuries, cannabis grew outdoors. The little plant managed to withstand all sorts of natural conditions to flourish for generations. You could say Mother Nature designed her to grow like a weed. But when prohibition happened, growers were forced inside.

Then, of course, legalization changed the game and these days across Canada, producers can choose whether they want to grow indoors, outdoors or in greenhouses. Which leads many consumers to wonder: What is the difference? Read on to find out.

Cannabis Grown Outdoors

Growing outdoors has gotten a bad reputation for no good reason. This traditional method is the most cost-effective and natural way to grow, and the misconception surrounding the quality of outdoor bud generally stems from its market cost. The reality is that producers who grow outdoors simply have lower overhead and are able to sell to consumers at a lower price. While there are obvious setbacks to growing outdoors, such as inconsistent sunlight and environmental elements like temperature, weather conditions, and pests (all of which affect trichome development), if done properly “outdoor-produced flower will always enjoy a broader, more intense, more deeply penetrating spectrum of light.” This means that the plant is able to naturally reach its greatest genetic potential. Another win for full-term outdoor growth is that consumers feel good about its environmental sustainability.

Cannabis Grown Indoors

On the other end of the cultivating spectrum is cannabis grown indoors, which some enthusiasts believe leads to superior product. The pros of indoor growing are, of course, the complete control of the air quality and temperature. And there’s no denying that the high level of attention to detail allows for such premium small batch crops. Unlike outdoor-grown plants, indoor-grown buds are small and dense because they aren’t reaching for the sun; they’re also packed with potency and flavour because growers can accurately monitor the maturation of the trichomes. Indeed, the plant is perfectly manicured right up until the point that it’s ready to be harvested. The end result is a more expensive product that many connoisseurs are happy to pay. Nevertheless, we believe that artificial lights never quite match the benefits of natural sun.

“We consider greenhouse growing
to be the happiest medium
of cultivating methods.”
Rubicon Greenhouse Delta, BC

Cannabis Grown in a Greenhouse

We may be a little biased, but we consider greenhouse growing to be the happiest medium of cultivating methods. Perhaps not the humblest abode for our favourite flower, greenhouse systems like ours utilize the resources of the land while also relying on innovative technology to ensure that the plant is continually getting what it needs. Farmers capitalize on every opportunity to use natural sun, which helps provide optimal growth benefits and reduces the use of electricity—all while keeping the crops safe inside.

But when the weather doesn’t cooperate (ahem, notoriously cloudy B.C.), growers can then switch to LED light-exposure and control other environmental factors, like CO2 levels and humidity. We can produce Simply Bare cannabis year-round because we utilize a complex light deprivation system combining first solar radiation and second supplemental LED lighting. We can create the optimal growing and lighting conditions, no matter what environmental challenges are imposed upon us as the seasons change. We believe that the most important advantage of growing in a greenhouse is keeping our buds stress free. Because happy plants means happy buds.

No Place Like Home

Each method of cultivation provides different benefits—whether it’s potency, cost, or energy efficiency. And all farmers have their own approach to the chosen method they use. For us at Simply Bare, it’s about exposure to natural sun combined with growing in organic soil, vents to provide our girls a breath of fresh air, using no artificial pesticides, and organic-certified growing. Of course, it’s just as important how you treat the flower after it’s grown but that’s a topic for another time.