How to Make Cannabutter

We are always looking for ways to get the most out of our organic certified flower. Because of the unique terpene profiles that each of our strains offer, we’re big fans of cannabis-infused cooking in particular.

When it comes to the art of gastronomy, we’ve enlisted experts like Adam Barski (also known as The Budder Chef) to show us the way. Equally obsessed with details and perfecting the recipe for success, we think there’s many wonderful parallels between the way our farmers grow organic greenhouse bud and how professional chefs prepare meals for even the most discerning individuals.

First make note of whether you’re cooking with indica, sativa or a hybrid, as each will still produce its respective desired effects. When selecting your cultivar, pairing a strain’s terpene profile with your chosen recipe is a great way to enhance the flavours of any meal.

Decarboxylating and How To Do It

Cooking with raw cannabis provides little to no effects. So, decarboxylation is how we prepare “active” cannabis for making cannabutter. And while there are multiple ways to decarboxylate your cannabis, the process simply requires heat and time in order to convert the acids in your flower into cannabinoids like THC. For best results, grind up your flower over a sheet pan and place it in the oven. Then just bake the flower at 220F for 30-40 minutes. Many people choose to decarb their cannabis at lower temperatures for a longer period of time in order to maintain its properties and preserve terpenes. Depending on the temperature and your oven settings, full decarbing may take up to an hour (this is why the oven thermometer is important). Don’t rush and keep in mind that temperature of 300F will actually compromise the cannabinoids and terpenoids of your cannabis, not to mention result in a less than desirable flavour.

Tools & Ingredients

  • What you’ll need:
    Hand grinder or scissors
    Glass baking dish or sheet pan
    Medium saucepan
    Wooden spoon
    Cheese cloth (optional)
  • 1lb of clarified butter, unsalted regular butter or cooking oil
  • ¼ oz cannabis flowers (we suggest beginners start with around 15% THC)


  1. Grind your cannabis flower with a hand grinder. Keep it slightly chunky.
  2. Time to decarboxylate. Place the flower on a baking sheet and bake at 230F for 1 hour.
  3. Melt your butter in a medium-sized saucepan.
  4. Add 2 cups of water and mix. Let the butter simmer over medium heat.
  5. Add your decarboxylated bud once the butter starts to melt. Reduce to low heat and mix the ingredients well.
  6. Let the ingredients cook for 2 to 3 hours. Check mid way and make sure there is enough water so you are not boiling off any butter.
  7. Stir occasionally, and check to maintain a temperature of 200-250F. Once the butter appears thick and glossy, it’s ready.
  8. Line a sieve with cheesecloth and place over a large glass bowl. Pour the butter into the sieve and let it filter into the bowl.
  9. Cover the bowl and refrigerate overnight.
  10. Drain any remaining liquid and pat the hardened butter with paper towels to absorb any remaining moisture.
  11. Refrigerate your butter in an airtight container.

How to Infuse Your Cannabutter

Choose what to infuse. You don’t need to add cannabutter to every ingredient of your recipe. We suggest you select one of the main components in the dish so that the strong flavours of the cannabis are not overpowering the plate but are paired subtly with the aromatic terpene notes. To start, sub a few teaspoons into your baked goods or use your infused oil for salad dressing. As the old saying goes, “start low, go slow.” It may take you a few attempts to get the potency you’re looking for but it’s better to build up your dose rather than have too intense of a dining experience—and never make it to dessert.

Dosing with Cannabutter

Understanding how to calculate potency when making cannabutter can seem pretty tricky. If you’re new to cannabis infusion, we think this canna calculator can be helpful for planning your portions.

While making cannabutter requires only two ingredients, there are a few things keep in mind with regards to potency, methods, and dosing:

  1. You can’t just cook raw cannabis. It tastes awful and the THC A requires heat to activate.
  2. In order to extract maximum THC potency you must decarboxylate your flower before making the butter
  3. Don’t over grind the flower, doing so doesn’t activate the THC more and you’ll burn it in the decarb process
  4. Less is more. Maintain a 50:50 ratio of water to butter (some even suggest a ratio of 60:40). If you notice that the water evaporates during cooking, just add a bit more water to the infusion.